09-07-2019, 01:07 PM
Having posted a "How to" guide on obtaining your NIE (see https://fuerteventura.click/Thread-Apply...NIE-How-to) I thought it would be helpful to post a similar guide on applying for your Residencia, or Certificate of Residence for EU Citizens*
* After the UK leave the EU, the system will change, so if that has already happened, please don't rely on this information!!
If you have not already read the How To Guide on the NIE (see above), I recommend you take a look now, as the venue (National Police Station) is the same and there you can view photos of the station etc..
First you need to download and complete the application form, an EX-18 which you can find here: http://extranjeros.mitramiss.gob.es/es/M..._FEB19.pdf
Complete the form on your computer and a useful guide (in English) is here: https://www.supportinspain.info/wp-conte...lation.pdf BUT NOTE, you MUST complete the Spanish version.
You only need to complete pages 1 and 2 (we completed all 4 pages, but when we presented it, the Police Officer tore off pages 3 and 4 and scrapped them!
We also completed TWO forms (as that's the information we read) but the Police Officer just handed the second copy back to us, so save time and Money, only print one!
You need to supply various documents (or copies thereof) as follows:
1. Your Passport and a copy of the pages with text.
2. Your NIE (if you already have one) - if not, you will be given a NIE with your residency.
3. Your Empadron (if you have registered with your local Town Hall as a Resident - think another How To Guide might follow for that!!).
4. Evidence of funds, currently 6,000 euros per person. We supplied a Bank Statement from the UK, and it was accepted.
5. Health Cover. This gets a bit complex, depending on your circumstances:
a. Pensioner in the UK: Supply a copy of your S1 Certificate from the UK (this certifies that the UK NHS will meet your healthcare costs in Spain).
b. Not a pensioner: Evidence that you have taken out Health Insurance to cover your needs.
c. Worker: Copy of your employment contract here in Fuerteventura.
d. Self Employed Worker: Evidence that you have registered as a business in Fuerteventura.
Once you have all the documents and copies you need and you have printed the EX18, you need to complete and print the form for payment of the fee (Currently 12 euros) here: https://sede.policia.gob.es/Tasa790_012/ImpresoRellenar
You have to complete this form on-line, and there is a useful guide here: https://www.supportinspain.info/knowledg...-fee-form/
Take this form (the Modelo 790-12) to any bank and hand over the three copies of the form and the 12 euro. Top copy gets stamped (your receipt), second copy gets overprinted by the bank (the form you hand over with your application) and the third copy the bank retain.
Now you are ready for a trip into Puerto to visit the DNI Office of the National Police. https://www.google.co.uk/maps/place/Puer...13.8628367 Shown as Officina de DNI in Calle Herbania.
Enter the building, turn right through a metal detector arch (not working) and take a seat on a bench.
Useful tip from Tamara: The secret to this is to ask in a loud voice when you go in, '¿ultimo?'. The last person in should identify themselves. Be prepared to identify yourself if someone else comes in! Very useful in these circumstances.
There are four desks to the left for Spanish Nationals to apply for Identification Numbers and Passports. The two desks to the right are for us Foreign Nationals. Usually a uniformed Police Officer with an unshaven appearance sits to the left - he is FANTASTIC!!!
Present all you documents and the form from the bank and in about 20 minutes he will print out your green Certificado De Registro De Ciudadano De La Union.
It really was a very simple process, but one where we had been quoted between 50 and 150 euros to have done for us!
I must acknowledge a few of the websites that I researched:
Hope that helps.
EDIT: EX-01 to EX-18. Sam
* After the UK leave the EU, the system will change, so if that has already happened, please don't rely on this information!!
If you have not already read the How To Guide on the NIE (see above), I recommend you take a look now, as the venue (National Police Station) is the same and there you can view photos of the station etc..
First you need to download and complete the application form, an EX-18 which you can find here: http://extranjeros.mitramiss.gob.es/es/M..._FEB19.pdf
Complete the form on your computer and a useful guide (in English) is here: https://www.supportinspain.info/wp-conte...lation.pdf BUT NOTE, you MUST complete the Spanish version.
You only need to complete pages 1 and 2 (we completed all 4 pages, but when we presented it, the Police Officer tore off pages 3 and 4 and scrapped them!
We also completed TWO forms (as that's the information we read) but the Police Officer just handed the second copy back to us, so save time and Money, only print one!
You need to supply various documents (or copies thereof) as follows:
1. Your Passport and a copy of the pages with text.
2. Your NIE (if you already have one) - if not, you will be given a NIE with your residency.
3. Your Empadron (if you have registered with your local Town Hall as a Resident - think another How To Guide might follow for that!!).
4. Evidence of funds, currently 6,000 euros per person. We supplied a Bank Statement from the UK, and it was accepted.
5. Health Cover. This gets a bit complex, depending on your circumstances:
a. Pensioner in the UK: Supply a copy of your S1 Certificate from the UK (this certifies that the UK NHS will meet your healthcare costs in Spain).
b. Not a pensioner: Evidence that you have taken out Health Insurance to cover your needs.
c. Worker: Copy of your employment contract here in Fuerteventura.
d. Self Employed Worker: Evidence that you have registered as a business in Fuerteventura.
Once you have all the documents and copies you need and you have printed the EX18, you need to complete and print the form for payment of the fee (Currently 12 euros) here: https://sede.policia.gob.es/Tasa790_012/ImpresoRellenar
You have to complete this form on-line, and there is a useful guide here: https://www.supportinspain.info/knowledg...-fee-form/
Take this form (the Modelo 790-12) to any bank and hand over the three copies of the form and the 12 euro. Top copy gets stamped (your receipt), second copy gets overprinted by the bank (the form you hand over with your application) and the third copy the bank retain.
Now you are ready for a trip into Puerto to visit the DNI Office of the National Police. https://www.google.co.uk/maps/place/Puer...13.8628367 Shown as Officina de DNI in Calle Herbania.
Enter the building, turn right through a metal detector arch (not working) and take a seat on a bench.
Useful tip from Tamara: The secret to this is to ask in a loud voice when you go in, '¿ultimo?'. The last person in should identify themselves. Be prepared to identify yourself if someone else comes in! Very useful in these circumstances.
There are four desks to the left for Spanish Nationals to apply for Identification Numbers and Passports. The two desks to the right are for us Foreign Nationals. Usually a uniformed Police Officer with an unshaven appearance sits to the left - he is FANTASTIC!!!
Present all you documents and the form from the bank and in about 20 minutes he will print out your green Certificado De Registro De Ciudadano De La Union.
It really was a very simple process, but one where we had been quoted between 50 and 150 euros to have done for us!
I must acknowledge a few of the websites that I researched:
Hope that helps.
EDIT: EX-01 to EX-18. Sam