02-08-2023, 07:56 PM
Radio Sintonia:
Arrested for nine robberies in hotel rooms in Morro Jable.
The Civil Guard of Fuerteventura, arrested on July 23 a 51-year-old person, with a Police record for the same facts, for the alleged authorship of nine crimes of robbery with escalo in a hotel in the south of Fuerteventura.
The Civil Guard of the Main Post of Morro Jable became aware of the facts following the first complaint filed on March 18, when a tourist went to the premises to report that while he was sleeping someone had accessed through his balcony, without force, since it was open and after entering it, His wallet with documentation and
cash had been stolen.
However, it was not an isolated event since subsequently the remaining eight people were more affected between the months of March and July, denouncing similar Events.
Procedure of the robberies
With study of the complaints and the first inquiries carried out it was possible to know how in the months reviewed, the alleged perpetrator accessed at dawn to a well-known hotel in the south of the island of Fuerteventura, and after verifying the terraces whose doors were open, he entered the rooms making a climb to the aforementioned balconies, And taking advantage of the fact that tourists were sleeping, they stole mostly cash, although on occasion he appropriated clothing and electronic devices.
It so happens that these Events intensified recently, specifically in the last month, due to the heat wave suffered a large number of tourists left the windows and doors open.
Investigation and identification of the author
With the initial data obtained from the different complaints filed, the Civil Guard initiated an investigation based on the realization of the different ocular technical inspections, analyzing the modus operandi repeatedly, being able to verify how indiciarily the robberies produced always happened in the same area of the same hotel.
With these data and the manifestation of possible witnesses and the analysis of the frames of the affected areas, it was possible to determine the identity of the alleged perpetrator of the criminal acts, being an acquaintance of the security forces for having been arrested years ago and had entered on that occasion in a penitentiary center.
It so happens that with the arrest of this person it has been possible to clarify these criminal acts that had created among tourists great social alarm and great concern among hoteliers for the damage to the tourist image that is created, as well as the feeling of insecurity.
The detainee in conjunction with the proceedings carried out were brought to justice of the Court of Guard of Puerto del Rosario.
Arrested for nine robberies in hotel rooms in Morro Jable.
The Civil Guard of Fuerteventura, arrested on July 23 a 51-year-old person, with a Police record for the same facts, for the alleged authorship of nine crimes of robbery with escalo in a hotel in the south of Fuerteventura.
The Civil Guard of the Main Post of Morro Jable became aware of the facts following the first complaint filed on March 18, when a tourist went to the premises to report that while he was sleeping someone had accessed through his balcony, without force, since it was open and after entering it, His wallet with documentation and
cash had been stolen.
However, it was not an isolated event since subsequently the remaining eight people were more affected between the months of March and July, denouncing similar Events.
Procedure of the robberies
With study of the complaints and the first inquiries carried out it was possible to know how in the months reviewed, the alleged perpetrator accessed at dawn to a well-known hotel in the south of the island of Fuerteventura, and after verifying the terraces whose doors were open, he entered the rooms making a climb to the aforementioned balconies, And taking advantage of the fact that tourists were sleeping, they stole mostly cash, although on occasion he appropriated clothing and electronic devices.
It so happens that these Events intensified recently, specifically in the last month, due to the heat wave suffered a large number of tourists left the windows and doors open.
Investigation and identification of the author
With the initial data obtained from the different complaints filed, the Civil Guard initiated an investigation based on the realization of the different ocular technical inspections, analyzing the modus operandi repeatedly, being able to verify how indiciarily the robberies produced always happened in the same area of the same hotel.
With these data and the manifestation of possible witnesses and the analysis of the frames of the affected areas, it was possible to determine the identity of the alleged perpetrator of the criminal acts, being an acquaintance of the security forces for having been arrested years ago and had entered on that occasion in a penitentiary center.
It so happens that with the arrest of this person it has been possible to clarify these criminal acts that had created among tourists great social alarm and great concern among hoteliers for the damage to the tourist image that is created, as well as the feeling of insecurity.
The detainee in conjunction with the proceedings carried out were brought to justice of the Court of Guard of Puerto del Rosario.