So what's your favourite sunscreen? We use Ultrasun or P20 once-a-day sunscreen, in SPF20 or SPF50 grades. If you're super-diligent about applying it properly everywhere, it works! And it isn't too greasy, so sand brushes off fairly easily.
2 users say Thank You to bedouin for this post
P20 might be good as a sunscreen but property owners hate it because of the staining it can cause on bed linens, fabric covered furniture, pools etc - I know, I've spent hours trying to remove a stain around the waterline on a pool.
My favourite is the Boots Soltan with insect repellent. It keeps the flies away when I'm working in the garden. For me factor 15 is fine and I apply it to exposed areas every morning and it does me for the day, but my skin is used to the sun and tans easily. I use Mercadona's own factor 6 sunmilk (coconut flavour) for my face, again everyday but just the one application. If I'm working outside when the UV is very high I put on a loose white cotton shirt for extra protection and it helps to keep me cool as well. If it's very, very hot I dunk the shirt in water periodically and put it back on - bliss!
3 users say Thank You to TamaraEnLaPlaya for this post
Although a true Celt, pale skin & ginger(ish) tones, before I went more gray than coloured, lol, my skin must be getting more used to the sun. I find I don’t burn as easily as I used to although I am careful, 20 mins in the sun & then a cool down. If we are out for the day I use a bit of factor 15 spray oil & that seems to do me ok
2 users say Thank You to Spitfire58 for this post
I was recently given a free sample of SPF 90 !!! Quite nice to use too, not heavy or sticky either. I had no idea it could be found with such a high SPF.
1 user says Thank You to Emmi Smith for this post
Ditto as Tamara, Boots Soltan 15 for me and 30 Elaine the insect repellent is great and works
1 user says Thank You to windermeregolfer for this post
(06-11-2018, 09:06 AM)Emmi Smith Wrote: I was recently given a free sample of SPF 90 !!!
Sounds like the sort of stuff they use in Australia!
1 user says Thank You to bedouin for this post
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As Tamara said, those of us involved in property management (and have our own rental place) HATE reimann P20. Certain hotel chains have banned its use.
It literally stains everything (not by direct transfer usually as totally waterproof) but usually by sweating etc. Basically a lot of it cannot even be showered off.
A few of the once-a-day creams are like this. Easy test is to put the sheet etc in bleach and watch it go bright red (same with bath and shower).
Nearly impossible to clean up and at least 50% of the time the sheets are still too yellow to use so end up binned.
And dont get me started on what it does to pools....just think green line around pool and clogged filters.