17-08-2023, 01:25 PM
five villages have had to be evacuated in Tenerife due to a blaze that has spread at least 1,800 hectares in 24 hours around Cadenlaria.
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fire tenerife |
Fire in Tenerife
17-08-2023, 01:25 PM
five villages have had to be evacuated in Tenerife due to a blaze that has spread at least 1,800 hectares in 24 hours around Cadenlaria.
3 users say Thank You to Johnrgby for this post
17-08-2023, 08:07 PM
Radio Sintonia:
The Tenerife fire forces mass evacuations to ensure safety. In a morning press conference, the president of the Canary Islands, Fernando Clavijo, has communicated critical measures in response to the rampant spread of the forest fire in the region. The management of Plan #INFOCA has been compelled to take drastic action to safeguard people's lives and facilitate the effectiveness of extinction efforts. In recent hours there has been an escalation in the intensity of the fire, forcing the authorities to confine the population of the urban area of La Esperanza, in El Rosario. In addition, the evacuation of the high areas of the Hondo ravine, Las Rosas and Los Apaches-Camino La Huerta, in the municipality of El Rosario, has been implemented, as well as the eviction of La Resbala and Pinolere in La Orotava. In total, about 7,600 people are affected by these measures, according to the local census. This relentless fire has already consumed more than 2,600 hectares of land and has created a perimeter of destruction of 32 kilometers, affecting multiple municipalities such as Arafo, Candelaria, Santa Úrsula, La Matanza, El Rosario and La Orotava. The new guidelines are in addition to those issued during the early morning, which affected the areas of Las Barreras and C / Preventorio in El Rosario, as well as other surrounding areas. In response to these evacuations, shelters have been established in safe places such as the Municipal Pavilion of El Chorrillo-San Isidro and the Municipal Pavilion Quiquirá in La Orotava, both conditioned to house both people and pets. President Clavijo expressed his gratitude for the commitment and collaboration of emergency personnel in this complex operation. The magnitude of the fire has mobilized 17 air assets and has requested the reinforcement of the Military Emergency Unit, as well as new contingents of the security forces to carry out essential tasks such as road closures. The technical director and head of Civil Protection in the Emergency Directorate, Monserrat Román, provided crucial information on air quality in affected areas such as Güímar, Arafo, Candelaria and El Rosario. The smoke from the fire has deteriorated air quality, emitting a mixture of gases and particles that are dangerous to health. Vulnerable people and at-risk groups are urged to follow the recommendations, including restricting outdoor activities, closing doors and windows, and wearing FFP2 masks to mitigate associated risks. Vicky Palma, technician of the Cabildo de Tenerife, said that we are facing "a fire never seen in the Canary Islands since there are records" that is creating its own meteorology in the interior and generating convection with important paveseo on the eastern slope, towards the area of El Rosario. For his part, Pedro Martínez, head of service of the Cabildo de Tenerife, said that "the night has been very complicated and the fire has entered the municipality of La Orotava and El Rosario". Faced with this situation, "the objective is to act in five zones to stop the advance of the front that headed to the helmet of La Esperanza; act in the northern part; defend the area of the Llano de Las Lagunetas and contain the advance north of Santa Úrsula and in the upper area of the Valley of La Orotava". Pedro Martínez explained that the confinement of La Esperanza is due to the significant level of paveseo that is occurring, which has generated specific ignition points in the surroundings of the town. "That is why," he added, "we need the roads to be free so that the emergency services can act quickly and turn off those points as quickly as possible." Faced with this situation and, as a positive part, he pointed out the fact that the southeast area of the fire, which was focused on the hamlets located above Arafo and Candelaria, has not evolved and that in the ravines of Igueste and Chese it has done so very slowly, while in the area of the ridge from Orticosa to Las Lagunetas there was no spread. link to article for pic
4 users say Thank You to TamaraEnLaPlaya for this post
18-08-2023, 07:39 PM
Radio Sintonia:
United in the fight against the forest fire in Tenerife. United in the fight against the forest fire in Tenerife. In response to the alarming environmental emergency that plagues the island of Tenerife, a brave contingent of members of the Fire Department and Civil Protection of the City of La Oliva has decided to join the brave fight against the devastating forest fire that is currently out of control, covering several areas of the island. The energetic deployment of this rescue team is being coordinated by the Cabildo de Fuerteventura, in close collaboration with numerous municipalities, all united by the common objective of mitigating the devastating effects of this unfortunate tragedy. "We are committed to providing all our support and available resources in this difficult situation. Inter-municipal cooperation and unity in times of crisis are fundamental values that guide our actions," said the mayor of the City Council of La Oliva, Isaí Blanco. "The determination and dedication of our troops, as well as their quick response, reflect the spirit of solidarity that characterizes our community." The fire, which began its voracious spread on the night of August 15 in Mount Arafo in Tenerife, has wreaked havoc on more than 2,600 hectares, covering the municipalities of Arafo, Candelaria, La Victoria de Acentejo, Santa Úrsula and El Rosario. With a perimeter of 31 km, the magnitude of the situation has required the evacuation and confinement of more than 7,600 people to date. This joint collaborative effort, composed of 14 troops from various municipalities on the island, has been reinforced with a fleet of extinguishing vehicles. Although a final return date has not yet been set, the possibility of sending a second group of troops is being evaluated in case the emergency lasts beyond what was planned. The impetus and dedication of these disaster response teams demonstrate the unity and solidarity that prevails in times of crisis, and reaffirm the community's commitment to protecting its beloved natural environment.
4 users say Thank You to TamaraEnLaPlaya for this post
19-08-2023, 08:02 PM
Radio Sintonia:
The fire advances through the north of Tenerife and the smoke complicates the work of extinguishing the aerial means. During the last night, the behavior of the fire in the Canary Islands has presented a great complexity, exacerbated by adverse Weather conditions, including strong winds in the summits that led to the fire getting out of control on the northern slope of the island. The Weather outlook is unfavorable in the coming days, with high temperatures and low relative humidity. The President of the Canary Islands, Fernando Clavijo, has expressed his gratitude for the valuable work and skill of the intervention teams, which have avoided a dramatic situation despite the voracity of the fire that has already affected 11 municipalities. The fire situation has forced the preventive evacuation of interface areas near homes in new sectors of the municipalities of La Orotava, La Matanza, La Victoria, El Sauzal, Santa Úrsula and Los Realejos. This has resulted in the evacuation of around 4,000 people, adding to the 4,500 evacuated the previous day. Although so far no damage to infrastructure has been reported, the president of the Cabildo, Rosa Dávila, has highlighted the exceptional collaboration of Civil Protection, security forces and the population in general, who have understood the magnitude of the situation and the importance of protecting lives. Experts have explained that the fire is beyond the capacity of extinction and presents characteristics of a sixth generation fire, with reduced visibility due to the dense smoke generated by the convective phenomenon, which has greatly hindered the intervention of aerial means. Although part of the perimeter of the fire has been controlled, concerns remain on the fronts of Güímar, where it has overcome the Pico de Cho Marcial, as well as in the steep area of Santa Úrsula that does not allow a direct attack. The northern front has also advanced aggressively. Changes in wind direction to the southeast, with high intensity at the summits, have posed additional challenges to the safety of teams on the ground. A total of 265 ground troops are distributed throughout the perimeter, supported by 19 air assets. However, smoke prevents safe operation in several areas. The arrival of 36 members of the Ministry's forestry brigades is expected to join the efforts. Two new seaplanes will arrive today, and tomorrow another cargo plane is expected on the ground, bringing the total number of INFOCA Plan air assets to 22. Since the start of the fire, 1,773 discharges have been made, equivalent to 2.7 million liters of water. Air quality in Arafo and Los Realejos has been unfavorable due to smoke, underscoring the importance of maintaining sanitary self-protection measures in these areas. The population in the municipalities of La Orotava, Santa Úrsula and Los Realejos is urged to clean at least 15 meters around their homes, remove gas cylinders from the outside and close doors and windows in case of evacuation to prevent the entry of oxygen. Today there was an incident in the electricity supply in La Orotava in an area already evacuated, affecting 1,126 subscribers. This measure, planned in conjunction with ENDESA, aimed to prevent further repercussions in the current situation.
2 users say Thank You to TamaraEnLaPlaya for this post
19-08-2023, 08:06 PM
"The fire has come to behave like a sixth-generation fire" These are fires with a life of their own, "uncontrollable monsters product of climate change against which only prevention is possible" The situation of the fire in Tenerife continues to be complicated at times, to the orographic difficulty, together with the Weather conditions, we must add a new phenomenon that is already being studied in disasters of this type: the sixth generation fires. In this sense at the press conference this morning the Technical Head of Forest Risk of the Cabildo de Tenerife said that the Tenerife Forest Fire "is out of extinction capacity and in some cases has behaved like a sixth generation fire " But what is a sixth-generation fire?" It is, as the experts say, a "monster", an "entity with a soul", a "cloud of fire" with "a life of its own". In a fire of these characteristics "not only the extinguishing capacity is lost, with flames of more than three meters high, of unbearable temperatures, where the planes no longer serve me for anything and where the only thing that can be done are firewalls, burn fuel to put barriers and that when it arrives it has nothing to burn ", said Cristina Montiel for the diario.es. Montiel directs since 1997 the Research Group 'Forest Geography, Politics and Socioeconomics' at the Complutense University of Madrid. "It's like war. When a sixth-generation fire is reached in an area, you are lost, because the fire has just become an entity with a soul. It has become a thing, a monster that goes free and the fire will develop its own atmosphere," he says. "The fire is going to generate what we call convective processes, where we forget the wind, the relief, the vegetation. It's a whirlwind that's going to develop a convection process that's going to give rise to what we call pyrocumulus." "You're not going to be able to contain the fire. The only thing you can do is try to direct it to where it can do less damage, and change the Weather conditions, because the fire can only be put out like that. The sixth generation has to do with the abandonment of management and climate change," explains Montiel. Which are the previous five generations? Since the mid-twentieth century when there was a rural exodus in many parts of the world and agricultural uses were abandoned, fires have evolved. First generation: Fires gain speed in growing areas that were no longer being used. Second: The vegetation begins to recolonize these old farmlands, but this new forest mass is abandoned. With these fires it is observed that there is more and more mass of continuous vegetation through which the fire can spread quickly. Then the first measures against fires arise: firewalls. Third: A landscape dichotomy emerges. The population is concentrated in metropolitan areas while the countryside empties. This causes fires to gain intensity and consume the entire forest mass in which they start. Fire devices are also growing. Fourth: In the 90s there is a boom of the second residence in country places in countries like Spain. They are urbanizations in the middle of the forest or the countryside in which people live who do not use the field. They are very voracious and dangerous fires. Fifth: They occur when there is, in addition, a simultaneity. Several fires break out at the same time which produce the collapse of services. And from there we reach the sixth, in which climate change has created the conditions conducive to unleashing the fire and against which it is impossible to fight. You can only carry out a defensive strategy, that is, set priorities and decide what you want to save. The only way to combat it, experts say, is prevention. link to article for pic
2 users say Thank You to TamaraEnLaPlaya for this post
19-08-2023, 08:09 PM
26 thousand people evacuated and 6,800 hectares burned in Tenerife. The head of the Civil Protection and Emergency Attention Service of the Government of the Canary Islands, Montse Román, reports that there has been a reactivation of the fire in the Montaña del Cerro, which forces to order a new preventive evacuation in Tacoronte. The fire declared last Tuesday on the island of Tenerife is still out of control. The situation has worsened and there are currently 26,000 people evacuated due to the proximity of the flames to the population centers. The Minister of Social Welfare, Equality, Youth, Children and Families of the Canarian Government, Candelaria Delgado has confirmed that "the last evicted area has been in Los Realejos and occupies an important sector" which has caused the number of people evicted to rise "exponentially". The fire, which remains at level 2 and reaches a perimeter of 50 kilometers, has acquired characteristics of a sixth-generation fire. Eleven are the municipalities to which the flames have reached and in each of them "there is an evacuation point" to carry out the triage and define if they go to a social health center or a shelter. "Apart from the service of the deployment of the Red Cross, all the Social Services of the affected populations are enabled." In addition, he added that the colleges of psychology and social work have put volunteers at the service of this fire and are collaborating in the different municipalities. The southern flank evolves well The technical director of the emergency has assured that the positive note of the day is that the entire southern slope is an area that evolves "well". The priority of the device is the protection of people and the defense of population centers The evolution of the fire has forced new evacuations in the municipality of Tacoronte, due to reactivations of new foci and no more are ruled out. The affected area includes the nuclei of La Hornaca, Los Laureles, Hoya Manzanero, Lomo la Jara, Monteverde and the surroundings of the Forest House, specifically what corresponds to the area with northern limit, the Camino Real Orotava, from the municipality of El Sauzal, continuing along the TF-226 road to the municipality of San Cristóbal de La Laguna. West Limit, the municipality of El Sauzal; eastern limit, the municipality of San Cristóbal de La Laguna and southern limit, mount. Evacuees can go to the Tacoronte pavilion, C / Reyes Pérez. The Minister of Territorial Policy and responsible for Emergencies, Manuel Miranda, said that the work of the extinguishing device is focused on the defense of population centers and that the first objective is to guarantee the safety of people, both neighbors and interveners. Miranda, who thanked the exemplary behavior of the citizens, called for prudence and to follow the information through the official media to know the preventive measures of the device during the course of the emergency. Attention to the sheltered For her part, the Minister of Social Welfare, Equality, Youth, Children and Families of the Government of the Canary Islands, Candelaria Delgado, reported that her department assumed from 5.30 a.m. of this morning the tasks of coordination with the Cabildo de Tenerife and with the City Councils of La Orotava, Los Realejos, Santa Úrsula, La Victoria, La Matanza, El Sauzal and Tacoronte, to attend to the 26,000 people affected by the evacuations decreed as a result of the fire that has been ravaging the island of Tenerife for four days. The Executive has conveyed to local administrations the urgency of evaluating, with effective and rigorous criteria, the needs of the people who were evacuated from their homes throughout the night of yesterday and this morning. A total of 1,425 residents have decided to take advantage of the services offered. In principle, the procedure that has been adopted in this emergency aims to concentrate the entire evicted population in a single meeting point in each municipality, in which social workers determine, through triage, the needs of people who have been evacuated and evaluate their immediate circumstances, which can range from transfer to health centers -in the case of sick people- or to socio-health centers -in the case of people. elderly or dependent-. Likewise, a control is kept of those affected who indicate to the emergency services if they prefer to move to the homes of relatives or friends or need to receive tonight the services provided by the Government of the Canary Islands, the Island Council and the municipalities, in the reception centers enabled on the occasion of this emergency. Until 18.00 hours today the Ministry of Social Welfare, Equality, Youth, Children and Families had managed to put at the service of those affected a total of twelve centers with the necessary resources to spend the night: In Tacoronte: Services will be installed to serve a total of 65 evacuees in the Los Laureles Pavilion. In Santa Ursula: 55 people will sleep in the ship enabled in the Terrero de Lucha El Calvario. La Matanza: In this municipality there are 30 evacuees who have requested attention from the administrations. They will be housed in the Municipal Residence. El Sauzal: In the Municipal Market will be accommodated, predictably, 43 people. La Victoria: It has three accommodation areas. In the Sports Center, where 400 affected people will be treated. In the Senior Center and in the Municipal Residence there are 160 people who are currently receiving help from social services. Los Realejos: The place of reception is the Basilio Labrador Pavilion in which 250 people are currently housed. La Orotava: In this municipality the points to attention have also been distributed in three centers: In the Pavilion of La Perdoma 100 people are accommodated, in the Quiquirá Pavilion, another hundred affected and in the center of the Salesians 90 neighbors. Which adds up to a total of 290 people. El Rosario: The reception point is in the Municipal Pavilion of El Chorrillo where they have reported that 16 neighbors need attention, although this center has capacity for 60 affected. The Red Cross will deliver in each of the twelve triage centers, in addition to the necessary food for those affected, 56 clothing kits, 500 vinyl gloves, 90 hygiene kits, 112 blankets, 240 soakers and 10 inflatable stretchers. It is worth mentioning the coordination for this emergency with the colleges of psychologists and social workers who have played a fundamental role in the management of these circumstances. link to article for pic
4 users say Thank You to TamaraEnLaPlaya for this post
20-08-2023, 08:11 PM
Level 3 fire....when the state would take the reins. It is a category of extinction that has never occurred in the Spanish State The fire in Tenerife has razed 8,400 hectares, and is expected with fear on Saturday night and early Sunday until Sunday, due to the wind and rising temperatures, in addition to the virulence of a fire that is believed to be sixth generation. The fire started in Arafo-Candelaria is considered, depending on the services necessary for extinction, at level 2, and in this sense it is the autonomous community that has the responsibility to contain and extinguish it, but at what point would a level rise be necessary? In this sense, the first thing to remember is that a level 3 fire has never been declared in the Spanish state. If this condition were met, it would be the first time that Spain considers a forest fire a danger of national interest. Different levels of danger "The danger levels of a forest fire range from 0 to 3, and include different characteristics. The severity is determined based on the state of the vegetation and the Weather situation among other issues. Level 0 to 2 is the responsibility of the autonomous communities, while the highest level is decided by the Ministry of the Interior," explains Cristina Gironés for Newtral. According to the "Basic Guideline for Emergency Civil Protection Planning for Forest Fires" (BOE), these constitute a serious problem for people, property and the environment. Therefore, fire control is the responsibility of civil protection, and it is "necessary the coordinated use of resources and means belonging to the different Public Administrations". Alert levels from 0 to 2 in forest fires are established by each autonomous community In the classification of potential severity of fires, the competent authority of each autonomous community decides the levels from 0 to 2, as stated in the BOE. Each region has a Forest Fire Emergency Plan. The National Coordination Centre for Information on Forest Fires (CCINIF) is responsible for coordinating fire-fighting means. Moving from one level to another depends on the evolution of the fire and different characteristics. At level 0 are forest fires that can be controlled with the means of extinction provided for in the plans, and that do not evolve unfavorably. Therefore, as they do not pose a danger to persons or other property, they are not considered to be of great importance. In Situation1 refers to all those fires that can also be controlled with the means of extinction of each autonomous community. However, at this level of risk, measures for the protection of people and their property are already foreseen, depending on the evolution of the fire. In Situation 2, the most severe of these first three, it is decreed when for the extinction of the forest fire the collaboration of state means is needed that a priori are not assigned in the regional plan. In addition, they are fires that can lead to emergency situations. According to the Ministry of the Interior, the risk depends on the topographical conditions of the area and the state of the vegetation, in addition to the simultaneous outbreaks and the extent of burned land. Existing infrastructures such as firebreaks or water reserves, and Weather conditions such as wind, temperature, rain forecast or relative humidity are also important factors. In addition, the possible dangers to people and property, and the means available are important points when determining the level of severity of the forest fire. The risk of Situation 3 or of national interest is declared by the Ministry of the Interior and has never happened in the history of Spain The extreme risk level is Situation 3, and is considered to be in the national interest. Forest fire is classified at this level when essential infrastructure, for example, is at stake. It can only be declared by the Ministry of the Interior, and to date this situation has never been reached in Spain. As stated in the BOE, the maximum level would be given in the event that circumstances made it impossible for the extinguishing device to continue with the work of controlling the fire. The actions would no longer follow the regional plan, but would be guided by the State Plan for Civil Protection of Emergencies for Forest Fires. Even so, an exceptional situation that forced the Ministry of the Interior to declare a level 3 of danger would have to exceed the characteristics of the deadliest fires registered in Spain. To date, the most serious fires, some of them with fatalities and injuries, have been considered level 2. link to article for incredible pic albeit unfortunate
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20-08-2023, 08:14 PM
The night has gone better than expected. At the moment the situation is evaluated in the coordination meeting Plan INFOCA and at the end of it the information of the fire will be updated The fire in Tenerife is still out of control and worries a lot on its northern slope, in this sense a very unfavorable night was expected for the troops trying to stop the forest fire in Tenerife, but in a first assessment, it is explained that the night "has gone better than expected". The environment became more humid and it even rained for a while in the Valley of La Orotava, which helped to cool the environment. From early in the morning the INFOCA coordination operation is meeting and around 9.30 the information of the fire will be updated (we will continue to inform). The Canarian Police reports that during the night, "their units have given protection to the evacuated homes and have collaborated with the animal protectors rescuing those who were wandering scared by the areas of the fire." This Sunday a total of 23 aerial means will fight the flames. During the night there were a total of 343 troops on the ground, of which 150 were fighting in the defense of houses and property in the evacuated areas. According to the latest data from last night, the fire is still active in 10 municipalities, although evacuations have been carried out in 11, it has an area of almost 8,400 boases and a perimeter of 70 kilometers. The authorities clarified last night that the figure highlights evacuees is estimated at 12,279. A figure of 23,000 had been given but referred to the census of the affected areas.
5 users say Thank You to TamaraEnLaPlaya for this post
22-08-2023, 07:39 PM
Radio Sintonia:
The emergency device of Fuerteventura returns after helping Tenerife. The emergency device of Fuerteventura returns after helping Tenerife in the extinction of the fire that was declared a week ago on the island. The group composed of vehicles and professionals from various services of Fuerteventura, under the coordination of the Cabildo, returns after collaborating in the extinction of the fire since August 18, with eighteen hours a day, in addition to protecting homes and guaranteeing the safety of people. The troops were received by the president of the Cabildo, Lola García, the mayor of Puerto del Rosario, David de Vera, the Minister of Security, Paloma Hernández, and other municipal representatives. Both the president and the counselor recognize the effort of the emergency team and appreciate the quick response of the municipalities to provide personnel and resources. Fourteen troops participated in the device, including members of the Cabildo Service and from different municipalities. There were six vehicles, including fire trucks, logistics van, command vehicle and rescue vehicles. The urban part of the fire that this team attended is already controlled, and professionals are being relieved by other groups and devices. During this service, housing protection tasks, rescue actions and technical revisions to affected structures were carried out successfully. The majorero team focused mainly on El Sauzal and Santa Úrsula, where the mayors thanked and congratulated for the work of protecting homes, avoiding material losses in the fire. Second article: The return home of the population evacuated by the fire in Tenerife begins. The Minister of Territorial Policy and responsible for Emergencies, Manuel Miranda, announced today that last night has been the quietest since the beginning of the fire in Tenerife, without shocks that prevented the extinguishing teams from working on what was planned and that the scenario is favorable, which allows us to start the de-escalation so that the evacuated population can return to their homes in safety conditions. In this sense, the president of the Cabildo, Rosa Dávila, pointed out that at noon a coordination meeting will be held between the direction of the Plan with the mayors of the affected municipalities and basic services to assess the relocation and to be able to establish a plan that does not hinder the circulation of the means of intervention. At the moment about 12,000 people remain evicted, since 1,450 were able to return in recent days, which corresponds to Candelaria, Arafo and part of El Rosario. The accesses to the Teide National Park by TF-21 and TF-24 continue to be closed, although today the entry through Boca Tauce will be allowed, with control of the Civil Guard, to authorized persons, mainly workers and beekeepers The area affected by the fire reaches 14,624 hectares distributed in twelve municipalities, after an adjustment of the perimeter that stands at 88 kilometers, occupying La Orotava 37%. The breadth of the perimeter is one of the aspects that most worries the direction of the Plan for the return to normality, since the fire is still active, with hot spots that can be rekindled. The only front that has activity at this time is Mal Abrigo, with a critical point that is descending towards the bottoms of ravines and that will be tried to attack today by land with specialized teams in three sectors and with the largest possible number of air resources, since there is a risk that it can advance towards Nightfall, in the heights of Güímar, and escape through that area. On the other hand, the technicians stressed that in the Tacoronte sector there are many hot spots, some very close to the perimeter, which can be reactivated especially in the central hours of the day so you can continue to see columns of smoke with great intensity. The authorities recalled that air quality remains very unfavourable due to smoke, which is composed of a mixture of gases and small particles emitted by the combustion of vegetation and other materials, mainly in the municipalities of Los Realejos, La Orotava and Arafo, but also in the municipalities of the northern and southern slopes. so we must continue to maintain the same self-protection recommendations. During the day 20 aerial means will continue to work in the area, two of them in coordination tasks, since a helicopter of the Ministry has suffered a breakdown and one of the Cabildo has been inoperative after receiving the impact of a stone in the rotor. Regarding this act of vandalism, Rosa Dávila asked the population to be informed by official means and not to spread rumors since all the water that is being taken from the deposits will be replaced and compensated, so they should not be afraid of losing water for their crops. By land, the device is made up of 610 troops, of which 255 are direct intervention, 197 security, 40 logistics and 160 volunteers from different municipal groups.
1 user says Thank You to TamaraEnLaPlaya for this post
22-08-2023, 07:49 PM
The detainee for throwing stones at a helicopter in Tenerife is an 80-year-old man. An action that the president of the Cabildo has attributed to people with "fear of losing their crops" The man arrested on Tuesday by the Civil Guard for having thrown stones at a firefighting helicopter, which had to make an emergency landing, is an 80-year-old man from the area of La Montañeta, in Güímar. This man is being investigated as the alleged perpetrator of a crime in the field of air navigation, indicate sources of the Civil Guard, which detail that he threw the stones against the helicopter when he was about to load water in a pond of his property. The stone hit a blade of the main rotor of the aircraft, which is why the pilot decided for safety to abandon the work of extinction and go to the airport of Tenerife North for the assessment of the damages caused. The incident has left the device working to extinguish the fire with one less aerial means until the aforementioned helicopter is repaired. The helicopter belongs to the Cabildo de Tenerife, as reported at the press conference on the evolution of the fire by its president, Rosa Dávila. The municipality of Güímar has stressed that this attitude "even if it is a minority" endangers the security forces and threatens to ruin "the immense effort that has been made in extinguishing the fire" in this municipality. For this reason, he appeals to the population "appealing to the responsibility of all" because, he says, we must follow the instructions of the security and emergency authorities "and not hinder their work so that we overcome this difficult situation as soon as possible." The fire in Tenerife, which affects an area of 14,624 hectares, has given its first night of tranquility to the extinguishing device but maintains an active front in a place complicated by its steep slopes, Mal Abrigo, located precisely in the municipality of Güímar. The man arrested on Tuesday by the Civil Guard for having thrown stones at a firefighting helicopter, which had to make an emergency landing, is an 80-year-old man from the area of La Montañeta, in Güímar. This man is being investigated as the alleged perpetrator of a crime in the field of air navigation, indicate sources of the Civil Guard, which detail that he threw the stones against the helicopter when he was about to load water in a pond of his property. The stone hit a blade of the main rotor of the aircraft, which is why the pilot decided for safety to abandon the work of extinction and go to the airport of Tenerife North for the assessment of the damages caused. The incident has left the device working to extinguish the fire with one less aerial means until the aforementioned helicopter is repaired. The helicopter belongs to the Cabildo de Tenerife, as reported at the press conference on the evolution of the fire by its president, Rosa Dávila. The municipality of Güímar has stressed that this attitude "even if it is a minority" endangers the security forces and threatens to ruin "the immense effort that has been made in extinguishing the fire" in this municipality. For this reason, he appeals to the population "appealing to the responsibility of all" because, he says, we must follow the instructions of the security and emergency authorities "and not hinder their work so that we overcome this difficult situation as soon as possible." The fire in Tenerife, which affects an area of 14,624 hectares, has given its first night of tranquility to the extinguishing device but maintains an active front in a place complicated by its steep slopes, Mal Abrigo, located precisely in the municipality of Güímar. link to article for pic
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