I also recommend
Fran Y Chemi. Their produce is very fresh and their salad stuff, lettuce etc.seems to remain fresher for longer than the supermarket stuff. Prices always very reasonable and have a great selection of herbs and spices.
3 users say Thank You to Emmi Smith for this post
I go along with Emmi's comments about herbs and spices - you can buy decent size bags/containers of them here as well as some other products in catering sizes.
2 users say Thank You to TamaraEnLaPlaya for this post
We also support comments about shopping at
Fran Y Chemi a great selection of fresh fruit and veg as well as plenty of other catering food items. One item price that sticks in my mind is loose mushrooms 3.35€ a kilo vs 6.30€ prepped in plastic in Spar or Mercadona
2 users say Thank You to windermeregolfer for this post
Good selection of fruit and veg as well as other food and very well priced.
3 users say Thank You to Mia for this post
(13-11-2018, 07:00 PM)Emmi Smith Wrote: I also recommend Fran y Chemi. Their produce is very fresh and their salad stuff, lettuce etc.seems to remain fresher for longer than the supermarket stuff. Prices always very reasonable and have a great selection of herbs and spices.
We've shopped here many times, but I hate to disagree with this post - I've generally found the food goes off quicker. Incidentally, one day we saw one of the checkout girls checking the prices in Mercadona.
1 user says Thank You to TrickyFox for this post
(11-01-2019, 12:50 PM)TrickyFox Wrote: (13-11-2018, 07:00 PM)Emmi Smith Wrote: I also recommend Fran y Chemi. Their produce is very fresh and their salad stuff, lettuce etc.seems to remain fresher for longer than the supermarket stuff. Prices always very reasonable and have a great selection of herbs and spices.
We've shopped here many times, but I hate to disagree with this post - I've generally found the food goes off quicker. Incidentally, one day we saw one of the checkout girls checking the prices in Mercadona.
We used to buy all our F/Veg there at one time, but now we go there very occasionally for the same reason as TF, it deteriorates faster unless you are very selective, we now go to F/Veg shop near 5 Oceans,and as I have said before not the cheapest but of a much better quality.
2 users say Thank You to Johnrgby for this post
As it's about a fifth of the size of Frani Y Chem, that is to be expected, but we will always take quality before breadth of selection, we have been using it for about a month and have never failed to get, anything we needed, called into Frani Y Chem last Saturday, as it is the only place we can buy Cauliflower that has not had all the green removed, and I must admit it did not look too bad, except for a display Sweetcorn, that was starting to rot, and a lot of bulk sacks of carrots amongst their salad display, but better than empty shelves I suppose.
1 user says Thank You to Johnrgby for this post
Wow! Did you buy one? If so, let us know what the flavour is like please.
3 users say Thank You to TamaraEnLaPlaya for this post