Got a poorly sick HP laptop. I'm pretty sure it's the network adapter that has stopped working.
Can anyone reccomend a reliable repair shop?
I'm based in Cotillo but assume I will need to travel.
Help please, as I'm pretty desperate
2 users say Thank You to Cotillo_Tom for this post
Hi Tom
Ralph Booker 642791957 lives in Corralejo, did some work for me a year or two ago, good guy
4 users say Thank You to Johnrgby for this post
How old is it? You might want to consider just replacing it. Between the cost of parts and labour you might not save much fixing an older laptop.
But try here first
3 users say Thank You to Will for this post
Thanks to all. I've decided to order the gizmo recommended by Sam and the supplier recommended by McAdam. It's only €16, so worth a try.
Really appreciate all the help. Thanks all.
3 users say Thank You to Cotillo_Tom for this post
(21-02-2020, 06:02 PM)Cotillo_Tom Wrote: Hi,
Got a poorly sick HP laptop. I'm pretty sure it's the network adapter that has stopped working.
Can anyone reccomend a reliable repair shop?
I'm based in Cotillo but assume I will need to travel.
Help please, as I'm pretty desperate
What actually seems to be the problem with it?
It could be a build up of dust, an internal cable that got knocked loose or a software issue.
If you want - drop by me in Corralejo and I'll give it a quick look.
2 users say Thank You to McAdam for this post