Our Community had EDPM Sheeting laid over the leaking roofs last year (€15,000 worth!). It came with a 15 year guarantee from a contractor the Community had previously used. Now the wind is catching the edges and it's lifting off.
The contractor has disappeared. We understand he is no longer on Fuerteventura.
So, as the President of the community, I need to find another roofing contractor with knowledge and experience of EDPM Sheeting. So far seven firms have declined to come look at the job!
Anyone got a contact with a suitable company please?
Thanks in anticipation,
3 users say Thank You to Cotillo_Tom for this post
Hi Tom
Not a recommendation as I've never used them - I picked their leaflet up at
+34 677 208 618
For all I know this might be a company you have already contacted ..........
3 users say Thank You to TamaraEnLaPlaya for this post
(14-07-2023, 08:35 PM)TamaraEnLaPlaya Wrote: Hi Tom
Not a recommendation as I've never used them - I picked their leaflet up at FEAGA.
+34 677 208 618
For all I know this might be a company you have already contacted ..........
Thanks Tamara, that indeed is the company!! No response to email or mobile and his former partner was left with huge debts with no prior warning he was doing a disappearing act, But thanks for finding the details.
4 users say Thank You to Cotillo_Tom for this post
Posts: 16
Threads: 9
Joined: May 2022
Yes I used IMK. They were excellent
I’ve been told that the owner of IMK used to be one of the partners of Innovaciones. The other partner now works for another EDPM company.
1 user says Thank You to Tardis for this post
(19-11-2023, 02:34 PM)Tardis Wrote: I’ve been told that the owner of IMK used to be one of the partners of Innovaciones. The other partner now works for another EDPM company.
Correct Tardis.
2 users say Thank You to Cotillo_Tom for this post