I have a neighbour who has lived here for 3 years, and has not joined the above system, he was apparently unaware he could but pays private insurance for him and his wife, he is 61 and she is a couple of years younger, he is currently paying €200+ per month for medication, in addition to his premiums, questions, am I right in saying he can elect to use the system and is there nay one with the experience of doing so?
1 user says Thank You to Johnrgby for this post
60 euros a month to join the system, but the cost does go up once you get to 65 (hopefully someone else can tell us by how much) -
so it depends when your state pension kicks in and you can recieve reciprocal free health care.
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I was over 65 when I got here, and it costs me nothing, but whether pension age is a factor I have no idea, but thanks for your input.
1 user says Thank You to Johnrgby for this post
As I understand it, those of us that don't reach 'UK pension age' until 66 - 67 will have to pay extra until we can claim both the pension and our free health care.
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