31-08-2023, 08:14 PM
Radio Sintonia:
Five seriously injured, including a 4-month-old girl, in the Corralejo accident.
The 112 of the Government of the Canary Islands reports eight injured, five of them seriously, when they were hit by a vehicle on two terraces in Corralejo, Fuerteventura.The accident occurred on Avenida Nuestra Señora del Carmen, municipality of La Oliva at 11:27 am today, August 31.
Assessment of the seriously injured affected in the Corralejo accident provided by the SUC:
A 4-month-old girl who, at the initial moment of care, presents serious polytraumatisms, transferred in the GES helicopter with pediatrician and nurse from the Corralejo Health Center to the General Hospital of Fuerteventura Virgen de la Peña and later evacuated in a medicalized helicopter from the SUC to the Maternal and Child University Hospital of the Canary Islands
An 18-year-old woman who, at the initial moment of assistance, presented serious polytraumatisms, transferred in a medicalized ambulance to the General Hospital of Fuerteventura Virgen de la Peña and later evacuated in a medicalized helicopter from the SUC to the Insular University Hospital of Gran Canaria.
A 40-year-old male who, at the initial moment of assistance, presented serious polytraumatisms, transferred in a basic life support ambulance with a doctor and nurse from the Corralejo Health Center to the General Hospital of Fuerteventura Virgen de la Peña.
A 49-year-old woman who, at the initial moment of assistance, presents serious polytraumatisms, transferred in a medicalized ambulance to the General Hospital of Fuerteventura Virgen de la Peña
A 43-year-old male who, at the initial moment of assistance, presented serious polytraumatisms, transferred by medicalized helicopter to the General Hospital of Fuerteventura Virgen de la Peña.
A 5-year-old girl who, at the initial moment of assistance, presents various moderate traumatisms, transferred in a basic life support ambulance with pediatrician and nurse from the Corralejo Health Center to the General Hospital of Fuerteventura Virgen de la Peña.
A 44-year-old male who, at the initial moment of assistance, presented various moderate traumatisms, transferred in a basic life support ambulance with a doctor and nurse from the Corralejo Health Center to the General Hospital of Fuerteventura Virgen de la Peña.
A 50-year-old male who, at the initial moment of assistance, presents various moderate traumatisms, transferred in a basic life support ambulance with a doctor from the Corralejo Health Center to the General Hospital of Fuerteventura Virgen de la Peña.
Services activated by CECOES 1-1-2:
Canary Islands Emergency Service (SUC): two medicalized helicopters, two medicalized ambulances and three basic life support ambulances
Primary Care: two pediatricians, two doctors and two nurses from the Corralejo Health Center
Emergency and Rescue Group (GES): a helicopter
Firefighters La Oliva
Civil Guard
Local Police
At the time indicated above, the Emergency and Security Coordination Center (CECOES) 1-1-2 of the Government of the Canary Islands received an alert informing that a vehicle had run over several people who were on a terrace on the aforementioned avenue.
1-1-2 immediately activated the necessary emergency resources.
The staff of the SUC, with the collaboration of four doctors, two of them pediatricians, and two nurses from the Health Center of Corralejo, carried out the medical assistance of the injured at the scene of the incident, made the corresponding triage and transferred those affected to the aforementioned hospital centers, several of them by medicalized helicopter.
The GES evacuated one of the wounded accompanied by the corresponding medical team to the General Hospital of Fuerteventura.
Firefighters of La Oliva collaborated with the emergency services in the assistance and transfers of the injured.
The Local Police regulated traffic in the area, instructed the corresponding report and guarded the evacuation of those affected to the hospital.
The Civil Guard collaborated with the emergency device moved to the area of the incident.
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Five seriously injured, including a 4-month-old girl, in the Corralejo accident.
The 112 of the Government of the Canary Islands reports eight injured, five of them seriously, when they were hit by a vehicle on two terraces in Corralejo, Fuerteventura.The accident occurred on Avenida Nuestra Señora del Carmen, municipality of La Oliva at 11:27 am today, August 31.
Assessment of the seriously injured affected in the Corralejo accident provided by the SUC:
A 4-month-old girl who, at the initial moment of care, presents serious polytraumatisms, transferred in the GES helicopter with pediatrician and nurse from the Corralejo Health Center to the General Hospital of Fuerteventura Virgen de la Peña and later evacuated in a medicalized helicopter from the SUC to the Maternal and Child University Hospital of the Canary Islands
An 18-year-old woman who, at the initial moment of assistance, presented serious polytraumatisms, transferred in a medicalized ambulance to the General Hospital of Fuerteventura Virgen de la Peña and later evacuated in a medicalized helicopter from the SUC to the Insular University Hospital of Gran Canaria.
A 40-year-old male who, at the initial moment of assistance, presented serious polytraumatisms, transferred in a basic life support ambulance with a doctor and nurse from the Corralejo Health Center to the General Hospital of Fuerteventura Virgen de la Peña.
A 49-year-old woman who, at the initial moment of assistance, presents serious polytraumatisms, transferred in a medicalized ambulance to the General Hospital of Fuerteventura Virgen de la Peña
A 43-year-old male who, at the initial moment of assistance, presented serious polytraumatisms, transferred by medicalized helicopter to the General Hospital of Fuerteventura Virgen de la Peña.
A 5-year-old girl who, at the initial moment of assistance, presents various moderate traumatisms, transferred in a basic life support ambulance with pediatrician and nurse from the Corralejo Health Center to the General Hospital of Fuerteventura Virgen de la Peña.
A 44-year-old male who, at the initial moment of assistance, presented various moderate traumatisms, transferred in a basic life support ambulance with a doctor and nurse from the Corralejo Health Center to the General Hospital of Fuerteventura Virgen de la Peña.
A 50-year-old male who, at the initial moment of assistance, presents various moderate traumatisms, transferred in a basic life support ambulance with a doctor from the Corralejo Health Center to the General Hospital of Fuerteventura Virgen de la Peña.
Services activated by CECOES 1-1-2:
Canary Islands Emergency Service (SUC): two medicalized helicopters, two medicalized ambulances and three basic life support ambulances
Primary Care: two pediatricians, two doctors and two nurses from the Corralejo Health Center
Emergency and Rescue Group (GES): a helicopter
Firefighters La Oliva
Civil Guard
Local Police
At the time indicated above, the Emergency and Security Coordination Center (CECOES) 1-1-2 of the Government of the Canary Islands received an alert informing that a vehicle had run over several people who were on a terrace on the aforementioned avenue.
1-1-2 immediately activated the necessary emergency resources.
The staff of the SUC, with the collaboration of four doctors, two of them pediatricians, and two nurses from the Health Center of Corralejo, carried out the medical assistance of the injured at the scene of the incident, made the corresponding triage and transferred those affected to the aforementioned hospital centers, several of them by medicalized helicopter.
The GES evacuated one of the wounded accompanied by the corresponding medical team to the General Hospital of Fuerteventura.
Firefighters of La Oliva collaborated with the emergency services in the assistance and transfers of the injured.
The Local Police regulated traffic in the area, instructed the corresponding report and guarded the evacuation of those affected to the hospital.
The Civil Guard collaborated with the emergency device moved to the area of the incident.
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