31-10-2018, 06:08 PM
There are news reports that the Jandia mayor, Rafael Perdomo, has ordered the closure of the SBH Monica Beach, SBH Taro Beach and SBH Costa Calma Beach hotels in Costa Calma. Allegedly, the hotels don't have the correct licences to operate, even though they've been open for decades. Anyone know what's really happening?
Canarias7.es/binrepository/768x512/0c40/768d432/none/11314/RGME/principalgregorio_4164260_20181025130226.jpg" alt="[Image: principalgregorio_4164260_20181025130226.jpg]" class="mycode_img" />
Canarias7.es/binrepository/768x512/0c40/768d432/none/11314/RGME/principalgregorio_4164260_20181025130226.jpg" alt="[Image: principalgregorio_4164260_20181025130226.jpg]" class="mycode_img" />