El Cotillo... A remote report to start the month off. It looks like a cloudy start to the day, this should burn off by lunch, leaving a warm sunny afternoon. The wind will be moderate, northerly and cross-shore, averaging 17mph. Temperatures expected in the low 20's.
2:13 AM 2.35 meters ( 7.71 ft ) High tide
4:11 AM New moon
6:50 AM First Light
7:16 AM Sunrise
7:27 AM Moonrise
8:18 AM 0.06 meters ( 0.20 ft ) Low tide
2:32 PM 2.58 meters ( 8.46 ft ) High tide
8:46 PM Sunset
8:50 PM -0.08 meters ( -0.26 ft ) Low tide
9:12 PM Last Light
9:25 PM Moonset
4 users say Thank You to MLA for this post
Sunrise: 07.17
Sunset: 20.46
Clear and sunny at 8am today in Caleta de Fuste, with cloud out at sea.
A sunny day is forecast with a shade temperature of 26 and a UV index of 10. The wind will be between 25-30 kph from the N.
3 users say Thank You to Captain Sensible for this post
Clear and sunny with a moderate wind all day
4 users say Thank You to Captain Sensible for this post
Mainly cloudy at 8 am.
A sunny day is forecast with a shade temperature of 27 and a UV index of 10. The wind will be 25 kph from the NE, and then changing to 30 kph from the N.
4 users say Thank You to Captain Sensible for this post
Clear, sunny and hot all day.
4 users say Thank You to Captain Sensible for this post
Blue sky and sunshine is appearing at 09.15.
A sunny day is forecast with a shade temperature of 27, a UV index of 11 and a 25 kph NE wind.
5 users say Thank You to Captain Sensible for this post
Clear and sunny all day, with a 25 kph NE wind. 27 in the shade this afternoon.
4 users say Thank You to Captain Sensible for this post
Cloudy at 9 am.
A sunny day is forecast with a shade temperature of 27, a UV index of 10 and a 30-35 kph NE wind.
4 users say Thank You to Captain Sensible for this post
Clear, sunny and windy all day. 27 degrees in the shade.
4 users say Thank You to Captain Sensible for this post
Cloudy with a bit of blue sky at 08.30.
A cloudy morning is forecast, followed by a sunny afternoon. The shade temperature will be 27, the UV index will be 10, and there will be a 30-35 kph NE/N wind.
2 users say Thank You to Captain Sensible for this post