Does anyone know where I can buy Cointra water heaters. From our experience, they last much longer than other manufacturers.
Hidráulica used to sell them and I’ve never seen them in Electron/Ideal.
2 users say Thank You to Tardis for this post
Have you tried the HUGE plumbers warehouse in El Matorral -
Foncal. No idea if they do this make, but it is possible I suppose they could order one for you. Here's the contact page of their website
4 users say Thank You to Emmi Smith for this post
(14-10-2019, 05:51 PM)Emmi Smith Wrote: Have you tried the HUGE plumbers warehouse in El Matorral - Foncal. No idea if they do this make, but it is possible I suppose they could order one for you. Here's the contact page of their website
Good idea Emmi. I will check them out. Thank you.
2 users say Thank You to Tardis for this post