Where to buy Clear Plastic Protective Strips for kitchen kick boards?
Does anyone know of any kitchen outlets or other stores, where they stock the clear plastic 'u' shaped strips that protect kitchen kick boards from soaking up water spills? Have been to Fuzzion Cocinas (near Ikea) and they no longer stock them (although they were helpful with some other kitchen items).
Author: TamaraEnLaPlaya - Replies: 0 - Views: 3313
Kitchen supplies - professional - disHare
disHare shop in Puerto del Rosario is the main go-to for new restaurants and cafes looking to get everything they need to set up their kitchens. Need a 50L saucepan or a 1m paella pan - plenty here! 'Articulos para Hosteleria'
They have a good selection of everything you think you need and a lot you never knew you needed albeit some of it is pretty basic/plain. Kitchen implements, professional knives, chopping boards to die for (but too heavy for me to lift!), crockery, cutlery, glassware, cle
Author: Decho - Replies: 3 - Views: 4070
Kitchen worktop Popup extension socket
Anyone know where I can get a popup extension socket for a kitchen worktop? The type that has 2/3 electrical sockets and 2 USB charging ports.
Author: Cotillo_Tom - Replies: 11 - Views: 8932
Where to buy: Kitchen Worktops
Where can I buy kitchen worktops? Looking for wooden with formica laminate top.
Please don't suggest Ideal, as they only sell a complete kitchen and tried Ikea but they only have three choices, Black, White and Grey!
Mrs Tom has her heart set on white with a flash of sparkly bits.
Any suggestions?
Author: Si Tie - Replies: 2 - Views: 2963
I need a new shelf in the kitchen cupboard
As the title says it’s damaged. Need it in white
Author: Johnrgby - Replies: 3 - Views: 2782
Carousel for kitchen cupboard
Does anyone know if it is possible to buy an extra shelf for an existing fitting, and if so where?
Author: el caballo hambriento - Replies: 8 - Views: 4959
Kitchen worktop trim
I need to replace the trim on my kitchen worktop that goes between the worktop and the wall tiles. I have looked in the likes of NorteySur bricolaje and various ferreterias but found nothing. Does anyone know where I can obtain such trim? Travel to a shop is not a problem.
Author: Si Tie - Replies: 6 - Views: 4507
does anyone know if Ikea do kitchen door/draw fronts replacementst
cant seem to find them on the website. Any other recommendations also welcome
Author: Cotillo_Tom - Replies: 0 - Views: 1089
Kitchen refit recommendation
Looking for recommendations for a kitchen fitters. Some units need to be bespoke built, so someone who fits flat pack cabinets is not ideal.
Author: TrickyFox - Replies: 5 - Views: 2048
Where to buy a couple of kitchen base units
As the title - apart from IKEA and Lanzafuerte, does anyone know of a place where you can buy kitchen units 'off the shelf'. I only want a couple for an outside kitchen.