Author: Guest - Replies: 84 - Views: 35182
Revolut - possibly the best card to use in Fuerteventura
What the best (or less expensive ) cash machines are to use
The One thing I’d love to know, and I know I’m going way off topic here, is what the best (or less expensive ) cash machines are to use, bank marcha all seem to be closed and the only one I have found so far that does not charge is the one in the casino! Caleta we are talking here
Moved from one of the Coronavirus threads. Sam.
Author: TamaraEnLaPlaya - Replies: 0 - Views: 1064
Improvement of Rational Use of Medicines
Radio Sintonia:
Canary Islands receives 1.7 million to strengthen the Program for the Improvement of the Rational Use of Medicines.
[color=#111111][font=Roboto, sans-serif][size=small][color=#222222][font=Verdana, BlinkMacSystemFont, -apple-system,]The Council of Ministers has approved this Tuesday, at the proposal of the Ministry of Health, the distribution of[b]1,706,152.18 euros to the Canary Is
Author: GSDGirl - Replies: 3 - Views: 2345
Which Mercadona to use
We will do a big shop for our supplies for 3 weeks on the way from the Airport. We normally use Mercadona in Corralejo but wondered if the one on the edge of Rosario is as big and as well stocked as the Corralejo one? The Rosario one would be more convenient as we actually drive past.
Author: TamaraEnLaPlaya - Replies: 0 - Views: 1610
Vueling condemned for fraud in use of ticket subsidies
Vueling condemned for fraud in the use of ticket subsidies.
[color=#000000][font=asap-regular, Arial, sans-serif][size=small][color=#555555][font=asap-regular, Arial, sans-serif]The list of airlines convicted of fraudulent use of the subsidy in the prices of air tickets to residents of the Balearic Islands, Canary Islands, Ceuta and Melilla continues to grow. Air Europa, whic
Author: TamaraEnLaPlaya - Replies: 0 - Views: 1466
Please don't use fireworks!
The capital asks to avoid using pyrotechnics to protect pets and people sensitive to noise.
[color=#000000][font=asap-regular, Arial, sans-serif][size=small][color=#555555][font=asap-regular, Arial, sans-serif]The City Council of Puerto del Rosario, through the Animal Welfare area directed by Yanira Domínguez, calls for awareness and sensitization about the danger posed by t
Author: TamaraEnLaPlaya - Replies: 0 - Views: 1351
Use of Masks on public transport to end
The end of masks on public transport already has a date.
On February 7.
[color=#000000][size=small][font=asap-regular, Arial, sans-serif][color=#555555][font=asap-regular, Arial, sans-serif]It is the date on which the
Author: TamaraEnLaPlaya - Replies: 0 - Views: 1242
End of mandatory use of masks!!!
Radio Sintonia:
From today, after its publication in the BOE, the mandatory use of masks disappears in all spaces. However, the Ministry of Health urges citizens and health authorities to maintain "the culture of responsibility acquired in recent years" and to continue using masks and other hygienic measures in the presence of symptoms of respiratory infections.
The Official College of Pharmacists of Las Palmas, as we have been told today by one of its members, Iván Rodríguez, has
Author: Barry5 - Replies: 16 - Views: 5004
Do naturists use hired sun loungers at Morro del Jable?
Hi, going to Morro del Jable in October. Wondering about the sun loungers for hire near the lighthouse or those nearer the town, and if these are used by naturists or if it’s generally textiles only on these? Any info appreciated!! Thanks.
Author: TamaraEnLaPlaya - Replies: 0 - Views: 1296
The law on the tourist use of housing
Radio Sintonia:
Jéssica de León: "The law on the tourist use of housing will protect small owners".
The Ministry of Tourism and Employment has announced that it will lead in the coming months the drafting and approval of a law that will regulate the tourist use of housing in the Canary Islands and will give a legal basis to holiday rentals. This was confirmed on Tuesday in the regional Parliament by the minister responsible for the area, Jéssica de León, who explained that this initiat